At the bottom of the Direct Time Entry screen, there is a section outlining the summary of work. This includes the work that has been carried out and work that has been processed. The summary screen acts as a control that allows you to see whether or not sufficient time has been captured.
There are several different filter options that can be applied to the summary.
The Totals per field allows you to control how the system groups the information. The following is a list of the options available.
- Time Type
- Subjob
- Job
- Item
- Analysis 1
- Analysis 2
- Cost Centre
- Staff/Resource
You’ll see there are two columns in the summary – Total Staff and Total Other. The timesheet entry is used to record time, as well as other staff expenses. The differentiator between these two is the Item Code Type. If you setup an item with a type other than Labor, the system will include that in your Total Other column. Labor items are included in the Total Staff column. The user can select what is shown in these total columns. Using the Show Staff Total By and Show Other Totals By fields at the bottom of the screen, you can select whether these columns display Quantity, Cost or Values (Value is defined as the sell price or the cost price).
Within the summary, the user can also choose to see information from a previous timeframe. The Week Starting field allows the user to select the time period for the summary. This allows the company to check how many hours have been achieved by a particular employee, or by a group of employees, for a specific time period.
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