The Job Line Processing tab on the Master Job is used to control the invoicing and revenue recognition based on work that has done on that Job. When opening the tab, the user is presented with a list of all transactions that have been processed against the Job (excluding quote transactions). From there the user can decide how they wish to process those transactions further. The processing options available include:
- Using the transactions in an A/R invoice through either the direct time and materials invoicing or through the consolidated invoice functions.
- Using the transactions in a contract revenue recognition process.
- Using the transactions in a make-to-stock manufacturing process
This tab can be disabled for individual users through settings in the Eralis Job User Authorizations.
The Job Line Processing tab lists all the actual transactions that have been recorded against any one of the Subjobs linked to the Master Job. Quote transactions will not be displayed on the Job Line Processing tab.
Field | Options | Details |
Exclude Processed Line |
With the option checked, the system will limit the transactions displayed in the grid to those transactions that are still unprocessed. These are transactions with a status of:
With this option unchecked, the system will display all the transactions linked to the Job. |
Filter button |
Opens the Filter window to allow users to filter the transactions that are displayed in the grid. |
Clear Filter |
Removes any filter options that have been applied. |
Invoice No. |
Primary Manual Any user configured options |
Displays a list of invoice document numbering series that the system will use when generating an invoice. |
Posting Date |
Posting date for the A/R Invoice. |
Due Date |
Due date that will be posted through to the A/R Invoice. If the due date field is left blank, the system will calculate the due date based on the customer terms. |
Auto Edit Notes |
Automatically opens the Notes window on each line when the line is edited to enter extended details about the line. |
Consolidate By button |
Opens the Invoice Consolidation window to enable the invoice consolidation functions and allow the user to choose how they want to group the transactions. |
Process drop-down |
Invoice Job Lines Invoice with Under / Over Recovery Invoice with Pro-rata Process Contract Lines Make-to-stock |
Allows the user to choose the processing routine they want to use when generating an invoice. The Make-to-stock and Process Contract Lines options are not invoicing routines. |
Process button |
Executes the invoice generation process. |
Print Preview Invoice button |
Allows the user to generate a pro-forma invoice document. |
Set All button |
Updates all the Job lines that are visible in the grid and sets the status of the line to the option in the Set All Status drop-down. |
Undo Set All button |
Resets the lines to the status before the Set All process was run. This cannot be run if the Job form has been updated after the Set All process was run. |
Set All Status |
Entered Ready to Process Delivered Written Off |
Allows the user to choose the status that they want to update the lines on the grid to. |
Total Price |
This non-editable field displays the total value of the transactions associated to the Job. The calculation is based on the sum total of the quantity x unit price after discount of the transactions. |
Total Cost |
This non-editable field displays the total cost of the transactions associated to the Job. The calculation is based on the sum total of the quantity x unit cost after discount of the transactions. |
Total Hours |
This non-editable field displays the total number of staff hours recorded against the Job and is calculated by totaling the quantity of all transactions with a Line Type of S. |
Margin |
The total margin on the Job based on all the recorded transaction.This is calculated as: (total price - total cost) / total price. |
Markup |
The total markup on the Job based on all the recorded transactions. This is calculated as the (total price - total cost) / total cost. |
Processed Price |
The total value of all the transactions that have been invoiced out to customers linked to the Job. The value is not necessarily based on the line of the Job, as the calculation will take into account any invoices created inside SAP Business One that has the Project Code linked to the Job in the header Project Code field. |
Processed Cost |
The total cost assigned to invoiced work. This will be the total of all lines that have been processed against the Job with a status of Invoiced. |
Processed Hours |
The total number of staff hours that have been invoiced to the customer. |
Processed Margin |
The margin that has been incurred on the Job based on invoicing. This is calculated as (total invoiced price - total invoiced cost) / invoice price. |
Processed Markup |
The markup that has been incurred on the Job based on the invoices generated. This is calculated as (total invoiced price - total invoiced cost) / total invoiced cost. |
Ready to Process Total |
The value of transactions that have a status of Ready to Process. |
Ready to Process Cost |
The cost of the transactions that are marked with a status of Ready to Process. |
OK / Update button |
Standard button for accepting and saving any changes made to a Job. |
Cancel button |
Standard button for cancelling any changes made to the Job master. |
Refresh button |
This causes Eralis Job to reload all information about a Job, refreshing all transactions which may have been processed after the Job was opened and recalculating all the Job totals. If there are any unsaved changes that have been made to the Job master details when a refresh is carried out, these will be lost. |
Show Documents button |
Open the Show Documents window that allows the user to see all previously generated documents, such as invoices, credit memos, deliveries, payments and output manufactured items created via the make-to-stock manufacturing process. For payments to reflect on this tab, the payment must be processed through standard SAP Business One incoming payments and allocated to an A/R Invoice that is assigned to a Job. For each of these document types, the user can either drill through to the underlying SAP Business One document or re-print using the Eralis Job form layout. |
You can Also button |
Access Job Contract |
Opens the Contract Billing screen related to the Master Job. |
Edit Job Attachments |
Opens the Attachments screen, allowing the user to either view, add or delete new attachments. |
Edit Job Activities |
Opens the Activities screen, allowing the user to see or create activities linked the Master Job. |
Edit Job Analysis Codes |
Opens the Analysis Codes screen, allowing the user to create analysis codes linked to a specific Master Job. |
Edit Job Planning Detail |
Opens the Job Planning screen, allowing the user to create and edit Job plans linked to a specific Master Job. |
Print Quotes |
Opens a Print Quote window, allowing the user to choose a Quote form layout to print in the drop down and print a quote linked to a specific Master Job. |
Quote to Contract |
Opens a Quote to Contract selection criteria screen, allowing the user to choose the criteria for creating a Contract based on the Quote data linked to a specific Master Job. |
Stock Check |
Initiates the stock check process allowing the user to generate and process stock requirements analysis for the Job. |
Transaction Filter
The Transaction Filter window allows the user to filter down the transactions that are displayed on the invoice grid.
Field | Options | Details |
Job Line Statuses | Allows the user to filter down to only specific line statuses on the Invoice grid by choosing from the available Job Line Statuses. | |
Transaction Date |
Allows the user to filter down transactions displayed on the grid based on the transaction date. This allows users to filter out transactions that have been entered after month end when doing the invoicing a few days into the When entering values the user does not need to enter both a From and To date, they can enter either of the values that are required for their filtering purposes. If a field is left blank, the system will assume all the transactions. |
Subjob |
Allows the user to limit the transactions displayed to a particular Subjob or Subjob range. |
Line Type |
Allows the user to limit the transactions displayed based on the type of transaction entered. |
Analysis 1 / 2 |
Allows the user to limit the transactions displayed based on the Analysis Codes. The system will only display analysis code options in the search list that have been used on transactions on the Job. |
Additional Filter 1 - 4 |
Article Cost Price COS GL Code Description Invoiced Qty Invoiced Value Unit Price Qty Sales GL Code Price After Discount Item Code Cost Total Line Total Line UDFs |
The user can apply up to 4 user required filters for the Job transactions that are displayed in the Invoice grid. With each of the filters, the user needs to specify which field the system should apply the filter to, based on the options in the drop-down list, then enter the filter parameters. The fields for entering the filter parameters vary depending on the filter field selected. Quantity and value fields provide a range option while text fields generally provide options for only a fixed value. |
Sort By |
Analysis 1 Analysis 2 Cost Price COS GL Code Cost Center Cost Total Delivered Qty Description From Whs Process Now Invoiced Qty Invoiced Value Invoice Total Discount % Source Type Article Non-Chargeable Note Unit Price Quantity Sales GL Code Line Total Price after Discount Seq No Status Item No. Subjob ID Tax Code Time Type Trans Date Line UDFs |
Allows the user to control the way transactions are sorted and displayed on the Jobline Processing grid. The system will post the transactions to the invoice in the same order in which |
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