The Subjobs tab under the Master Job lists all linked Subjobs and allows the user to create new Subjobs as required, as well as re-order the way in which the Subjobs are sorted and viewed.
The Subjobs tab can be disabled for particular users through settings in the Eralis Job user
Standard Master Job Information
Field | Details | Details |
Job ID |
This is a system generated unique identifier for each job that is created within Eralis Job. As part of the setup of Eralis Job, you have the ability to specify where the Job numbering starts, but thereafter the system will control the Unless the option has been selected inside the Eralis Job System Initialization for user defined project code, the value of the Job ID will also be used as the Project Code that is created inside SAP Business One. |
Customer |
This field is a lookup of all standard SAP Business One customer Business Partners and indicates the customer responsible for the Job. |
Account Name |
By default, the value will be the name of the SAP Business One Business Partner selected in the Customer field. This can be altered on the Job, but please note that changing the value on the Job does not change the value on the Business Partner Master Data. |
Contact Person |
The assigned Contact Person from the Business Partner on the Job. The contact information needs to first be setup on the Business Partner record before a value can be selected for this field. |
Contact Ph |
Allows a phone number to be selected from all contact numbers linked to a Business Partner Contact. |
Job Status |
Used to track how the Job is progressing through the Job lifecycle. |
Job Type |
Used to distinguish between the different types of projects performed by the company. The Job Type can also be used to set the GL accounts for sales and cost of sales specific to the Job. |
Job Category |
Available as another grouping level within Jobs. The category does not have an impact on any part of the Job with the exception of reporting. |
Job Title |
A user entered short description about the project. This is a searchable field in the My Jobs screen. |
Alternate Code |
This field is intended to allow the user to enter a customized Job code for the project. On all data entry screens, when searching for a Job, the Alternate Code can be displayed (using the form settings) and users can search for Jobs using this field. |
Quote Date |
A user managed and maintained field used to indicate the date a quote was generated. This field can be used in the quote layout forms to indicate when the quote is valid from or to. This field can be used for reporting purposes and as a filtering option on the My Jobs screen. All date-related information can be split between quoted and actual dates to allow variances to be analyzed. |
Start Date |
A user managed and maintained field used to indicate the start date of a project. This field can be used for reporting purposes and as a filtering option on the My Jobs screen. |
Due Date |
A user managed and maintained field used to indicate when the project is due to be completed. This field can be used for reporting purposes and as a filtering option on the My Jobs screen. |
Completed Date |
A user managed and maintained field used to indicate when a project is due to be completed. This field can be used for reporting purposes and as a filtering option on the My Jobs screen. |
Entered Date |
This field is used to indicate when a Job was initially created, but can be updated by the user. Changes to this date field can trigger changes to the start dates of activities linked to the Job. This field can be used for reporting purposes and as a filtering option on the My Jobs screen. |
Active |
This field indicates whether a Job is active or not. Making a Job inactive means it will not be displayed in the standard search lists. Transactions cannot be processed to an inactive Job. Making a Job inactive should be the last step in closing a Job. |
OK / Update button |
Standard button for accepting and saving any changes made to a Job. |
Cancel button |
Standard button for cancelling any changes made to the Job master. |
Refresh button |
This causes Eralis Job to reload all information about a Job, refreshing all transactions which may have been processed after the Job was opened and recalculating all the Job totals. If there are any unsaved changes that have been made to the Job master details when a refresh is carried out, these will be lost. |
You can Also button |
Access Job Contract |
Opens the Contract Billing screen related to the Master Job. |
Edit Job Attachments |
Opens the Attachments screen, allowing the user to either view, add or delete new attachments. |
Edit Job Activities |
Opens the Activities screen, allowing the user to see or create activities linked the Master Job. |
Edit Job Analysis Codes |
Opens the Analysis Codes screen, allowing the user to create analysis codes linked to a specific Master Job. |
Edit Job Planning Detail |
Opens the Job Planning screen, allowing the user to create and edit Job plans linked to a specific Master Job. |
Print Quotes |
Opens a Print Quote window, allowing the user to choose a Quote form layout to print in the drop down and print a quote linked to a specific Master Job. |
Quote to Contract |
Opens a Quote to Contract selection criteria screen, allowing the user to choose the criteria for creating a Contract based on the Quote data linked to a specific Master Job. |
Stock Check |
Initiates the stock check process allowing the user to generate and process stock requirements analysis for the Job. |
New button |
The New button changes function depending on which tab is selected. For each tab, the New button allows the user to create a new object of the type displayed on that tab. On the Subjobs tab the New button will create a new |
Unposted Transactions Exist |
This message is posted on both the Master and Subjobs in instances where there have been draft timesheets created against the Job. This message will clear once the draft transactions have been posted. A Job cannot be closed until the draft transactions have been posted to a Job. |
Contract Job |
This message is posted on a Job where the billing contract has been created against a Job. |
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This icon is only displayed on a Job when activities have been created and linked to the Job. You can open the Activities screen by double-clicking on the icon. |
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This icon is only displayed when there are documents attached to the Job. The Attachments screen can be opened by double-clicking on the icon. |
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This icon indicates the availability of a spell checker on the selected field. When the icon is clicked, the text from the field will be checked by the built-in spell checker. |
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This icon is used to indicate the availability of pre-defined text entries. Clicking on this icon will open the Pre-defined Text screen and allow the insertion of pre-defined text snippets. |
Subjob Grid Information
Field | Details |
Subjob ID | The Subjob ID field is a unique identifier for that specific Subjob. By default the number that is generated is structured to start with the Master Job ID and end with an incremental four digits for the Subjob. The starting point for the first Subjob (which will default to 0001) can be changed to start at a different number through configuration settings in the Eralis Job System Initialization. |
Title | The user entered title for the Subjob. |
BP Code | The Business Partner associated to the Subjob. This will be the same as the Business Partner assigned to the Master Job as Master and Subjobs must share the same Business Partner. |
BP Name | The name of the assigned Business Partner. |
Contact Person | The contact person assigned to the Subjob. |
Contact Phone | The phone number of the contact person assigned to the Business Partner. |
Status | The status of the Subjob. |
Type | The type of Job allocated to the Subjob. |
Category | The category assigned to the Subjob. |
Service Call ID | Where the Subjob has been created from a Service Call, the field provides a link to the originating Service Call ID. |
Order No | The customer order number for the work being done. |
Sort Order | The sort order reference for the Subjob. This is a read only field controlled by the Move Up / Move Down buttons which allows the user to re-order the display of Subjobs. |
Entered Date | The date the Subjob was entered. |
Entered By | The user who created the Subjob. |
Active | Identifies whether or not the Subjob is active. |
Alt Code | The alternate code assigned to the Subjob. This field is not visible by default and needs to be displayed using Form Settings. |
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