The process of creating an invoice using the consolidation invoicing function requires the following steps to be carried out on the Job Line Processing tab:
- Using the Transaction Filter options, filter down the underlying transactions so the system only processes the required Job transactions. This is essential if transactions have been processed after the date that the invoice is being generated.
- Select the consolidation options that are required. Please note the following:
- If a consolidation has been previously created but not processed, the system will prompt the user to establish whether they want to open the existing consolidation figures or create a new consolidation. If the user selects the option to open the existing consolidation, the values displayed will be based on the state of the Job at the time the initial consolidation was done. If the user chooses to create a new consolidation, the system will remove the existing consolidation and recalculate the consolidation based on the current state of the Job.
- When the system calculates the consolidation, any Job lines that have not been filtered out as part of Step 1, will automatically be set to a status of Ready to Process. The user can choose to drill into the Line Type and adjust the transactions – write them off, deliver them, cancel them or set them back to a status of Entered if they are not required. Lines with a status of Ready to Process are used to calculate the Process Cost, System Qty and System Value fields on the Summary screen.
- Adjust the Process Quantity and Process Value to meet the requirements of the invoice being generated. When the system generates an invoice, the Process Quantity and Process Value are the values that will be used on the invoice. The invoice is created in the following manner:
- Each consolidation header becomes a text line on the A/R invoice to display the group header on the A/R invoice
- Each Transaction Type line where the Process Quantity is not zero, the Process Value is not zero, the Process Cost is not zero and the System Quantity is not zero will become a line on the invoice. The system brings through a transaction category line on the invoice, rather than all the Job lines associated to the transaction category. In the database, links are available between the category lines and the Job lines should the printed document need to display the information.
- The user can alter the Process Quantity and Process Value in any way they require for the creation of the invoice. A transaction category can be invoiced out even if no Job lines exist for the category.
- Once the Process Values have been set for all the different Line Types on the Job, simply click the Process button to generate the invoice. When the system creates the invoice the following rules are carried out:
- Each consolidation header on the Consolidated Job Invoice screen will become a text line on the invoice. This allows the invoice structure to match the consolidation group and line type layout that's on the Job Invoice screen.
- When creating the invoice lines, the system applies the following logic:
- Where the Transaction Type Category has underlying Job lines:
- A single line will be entered on the invoice for a Transaction Type that contains the system calculated quantity and the total process value. The system will use these two values to calculate a unit price. At the same time, the system will also do a pro-rata process on the specific consolidation group and line type combination, to pro-rata adjust the value of the Job lines to equal the process value.
- A second line will be entered onto the invoice with zero overall value, but a quantity to balance the System Quantity to the Process Quantity.
- Where the Transaction Type Category has no underlying Job lines, a single line will be entered using the Process Quantity and Process Value.
- Where the Transaction Type Category has underlying Job lines:
- The Item Code used on the A/R invoice lines is preset to use Item Codes that are created when installing the specific version of Eralis Job. These item codes are non-inventory items which are used for the invoicing procedures. They do not determine the GL codes that are used when posting A/R invoices. The GL determination follows the standard Eralis Job rules based on the Item Codes used on the Job line. The following Item Codes are created for each line type:
- Con_S: For the Staff Transaction Type
- Con_M: For the Material Transaction Type
- Con_R: For the Resource Transaction Type
- Con_H: For the Rental Equipment Transaction Type
- Con_O: For the Other Transaction Type
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