Once you have successfully installed Eralis SAP Services Manager by right-clicking on the icon in the system tray, you will be presented with the setup and configuration options for the service.
The Common DB tab contains the required setup information to create the Enprise_Common database. The Enprise_Common database plays a pivotal role in holding all the setup information for the Eralis SAP Services Manager and all the installed services and service instances.
Field | Details |
Server | The name of the SQL server. |
Database | The system will create a database Enprise_Common to hold all the necessary information. |
User | The SQL username for connecting to the SQL server. |
Password | The SQL user password. |
Create button | Will test to ensure that the SQL connection is valid, and then create the database if it does not exist. At the same time, the system will check the version of the Enprise_Common database to determine if an upgrade needs to be run. |
Test Connection button | Validates the connection details entered for the SQL server. |
The Enprise_Common database contains all the necessary information required to run the Eralis SAP Services Manager and any related Services. The primary tables that are created are as follows:
This table contains the setup information for the core Eralis SAP Services Manager.
Field Name | Field Type | Field Details |
SEQNO | INT | Identity field. |
LOGFILE | NVARCHAR(200) | Contains the path to save the log file information. |
This table contains all the connection information to the various SAP Business One databases that the Eralis SAP Services Manager needs to work with.
Field Name | Field Type | Field Details |
SEQNO | INT | Identity field. |
NAME | NVARCHAR(100) | User defined name for the connection. |
ACTIVE | NVARCHAR(1) | Identifies whether the user has chosen to deactivate the connection. |
DBSERVER | NVARCHAR(50) | Name of the SQL server. |
DBNAME | NVARCHAR(100) | Name of the SQL database. |
DBUSER | NVARCHAR(50) | Name of the SQL user required to connect to the database. |
DBPWD | NVARCHAR(100) | The password relating to the SQL user. This is saved as an encrypted string. |
SAPUSER | NVARCHAR(50) | The name of the SAP user that the service will use when connecting to the SAP company database. |
SAPPWD | NVARCHAR(100) | The SAP password relating to the SAP user required for connecting to the SAP company database. This information is saved as an encrypted string. |
SAPLIC1 | NVARCHAR(50) | The name of the SAP license server. |
SAPLIC2 | NVARCHAR(50) | The port number for the SAP license server. |
SAPSERVERTYPE | INT | This relates to the version of SQL that is used. |
SAPLANGUAGE | INT | The language used in the SAP system. |
This table contains log information relating to services that have been processed.
Field Name | Field Type | Field Details |
SEQNO | INT | Identity field. |
TRANSDATE | DATETIME | Date that the particular action was run. |
SERVSEQNO | INT | This field identifies the particular service that ran and is linked to the ERALIS_SERVMAN_SERVICES table. |
PROCESSED | NVARCHAR(1) | Identifies whether or not the action processed successfully. |
DETAILS | NTEXT | Details about the action. Where the action failed, this will contain information about the failure. |
BATCHNO | INT | The batch number that was created inside Eralis Job Costing. |
This table contains a list of all the installed services on the system.
Field Name | Field Type | Field Details |
SEQNO | INT | Identity field. |
TYPE | INT | Internal reference to the type of service that has been installed. |
CONNECTION | INT | Reference to the connection that is being used for the service. |
STATUS | NVARCHAR(1) | Current status of the service. The user can choose to disable a particular service. |
AUTOSTART | NVARCHAR(1) | Identify whether the service should automatically start with the server. |
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