When a Goods Return is processed, a negative line will be created against the job. To ensure costs are processed correctly, the Goods Return should always be based on the Goods Receipt PO (GRPO) rather than being manually created. If the Goods Return is not based on the GRPO, SAP Business One will create journal entries based on the current average cost for that item. On the other hand, if it is based on the GRPO, the actual cost of the GRPO with be used for the journal entries.
Although you can create a Goods Return against the job, it is recommended that the item is cancelled off the job. In this case, the Goods Return is processed from another warehouse. When a Goods Return is created, the system will create a negative line against that job.
The same process applies when doing a Goods Return for a non-inventory item code. The system will create a negative line, but it will also create a journal entry to reverse the entry created by the GRPO.
To process a partial return, it is recommended to split the line, cancel the split-off line into a returns warehouse, then process your return out of that warehouse. This keeps the job lines clean.
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