The job type plays several important roles within Eralis Job and is primarily used for distinguishing between different types of jobs or projects that a company may be involved in. For example, the job type can be used to split implementation work and service work between contracted and non-contracted work. The job type also allows a company to separate their work for analysis purposes. The job type is the top of the grouping structure.
The Job Type field is a mandatory field when creating jobs and subjobs within Eralis Job. However, in the system initialization of Eralis Job, a company can define a default type that can be used for all new jobs that are created. The default setting can also be left blank, forcing the user to select an option when each new job is created.
While job type is used for grouping and analyzing the types of work carried out by the company, it is also used by Eralis Job for the following functions.
- It is used to control the default General Leger accounts used on the job, along with the default cost center. Eralis Job introduces a new General Ledger determination option, which is determination by job type. This specifically relates to the posting of sales and cost of sales for A/R invoices generated by Eralis Job. When a user sets the job type, the system will prompt them to update the General Ledger accounts to those linked with the new job type. This also applies to the cost centers (financial dimensions) that are used for all transactions on the job.
- It is used to control which item codes can be used when recording timesheets against a job. The Restrict Time/Resource to Quote option limits staff to only using item codes that have been quoted for the job on their timesheets. This allows for a greater level of accuracy on the transactions.
- The job type can also control whether projects are chargeable or not. On each job line there is an option to mark a line as non-chargeable. This will result in the line having a 100% discount applied. Non-chargeable can be set in one of three ways:
- Manually by the user.
- Based on a UDF (User Defined Field) on the item master – this will result in all transactions that use the item code being marked as non-chargeable. This allows the company to set certain item codes, for example for warranty work, to default to non-chargeable.
- By the job type – all jobs assigned to this job type will have their transactions marked as non-chargeable. This can be used for internal R&D jobs or jobs covered by maintenance contracts.
- Default project team members are managed by the job type. By highlighting the job type row and clicking on the Project Team button, a new form opens that allows you to enter the default staff and resource members that are used on the specific type of job.
Since job types play a large part in controlling jobs, a specific authorization has been added to the Eralis Job user authorization to indicate which users can make changes to the value. Job types are used in filtering the job information that is displayed in the My Jobs form, as well as functioning as filters in the Bulk Stock Check and Bulk Processing wizard.
The Job Team Member button is used to define project team members. When a security-enabled job is created the defined project team members will be copied from the job type to the new job. From there, the project teams can be updated as required.
In the setup form, there is an Active column which allows that value to be activated or deactivated. It does not control the job or subjob. If the value is made inactive and there are jobs or subjobs that have the value assigned, Eralis Job provide a warning. However, it will still allow you to deactivate the value. If this is the case, the value will remain on the jobs it is currently assigned to.
The options will also be displayed in the order in which they were entered. This is relevant when they are displayed in list boxes or combo-boxes. The move-up and move-down buttons on the right-hand side of the form allow the company to control which order they are displayed in.
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