The job scheduling tool allows you to create quote lines and activities directly from the schedule.
Controlling the ability to create quotes and activities, is defined inside the system initialization: Administration > System Initialization > Job > General Settings.
Inside the System Initialization screen, on the Scheduling tab, there are options to create quote lines and activities from the scheduled activities. Check these boxes to activate the features. Then you can see that an activity has been created by clicking on the taskbar. If you click the hyperlink, the system will open the SAP Business One activity. Additionally, there are now quote lines that have been created against that job that are based on the schedule.
Create job quote lines from entries that have been scheduled
When you create a quote line, the system uses the information from the schedule and creates a quote line on the subjob for that work. It will use the default charge rate, cost rate and item code. These default values are set when the resource is set up.
When a quote line is created based on your schedule, the lines will be updated when the schedule is updated. However, this is not a two-way process – altering the quote line will not update the schedule. These updates will be available until the job is moved to a status which locks-off the quote. If the quote is not editable, the scheduling tool will not allow any updates against that quote.
This tool allows you to build up your quote based on a graphical expectation of what’s required for the job. For example, if you are scheduling an implementation project, you can see the staff members you want to use, drag and create tasks, and outline when the work needs to be done. In the background, this is automatically building up the quote.
Create activities from scheduled entries
When you create a taskbar, you can also create an activity. As soon as you save the information, the system will save an SAP Business One activity for that task. That activity is updated as the task is edited.
To use the activities, please ensure your user accounts and HR records are linked inside SAP Business One. To create activities, all HR records must be linked to a user account, even if that user is not a licensed SAP Business One user.
If using Eralis Anywhere alongside Eralis Job, those activities can then be viewed through the Anywhere browser application. If you’re scheduling staff members who are not based in the office, they will automatically see those schedules come through in the web application.
Create timesheets based on the schedule
You can also create timesheets based on the schedule. The information in the schedule can be moved directly into a set of draft timesheets, which can be edited before being posted to the job.
Please note that any editing done to the draft timesheets is not reflected on the schedule. When you create the timesheets, you can control which date the system will use.
For example, the scheduled task may run for three or four days, but you only want to post the timesheets up until the second day. In that case, you can define which date to post until and that portion of the taskbar will become locked off. You will not be able to remove or edit the locked section. The remainder of the taskbar can be changed or extended, but you will not be able to remove the taskbar.
To utilize this function, select Data > Process Timesheets. From here, you can choose the date that you want the timesheets to be processed up until. You can also select which subjobs you want, and you have the option to clear or select everything. From there, you can preview what will be done before you process it (Preview and Process options are at the top right hand corner of the Summary Pane). Once the process has been completed, there will be two different batches created, including a batch of draft timesheets inside SAP Business One. These can then be changed and posted to the job.
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