The Timesheet and Resource tab is an important tab to understand, as it controls several important aspects of the pricing and costing related to staff and resource timesheets inside Eralis Job.
The Use Employee and Resource Charge-Out Rate option is used to determine where Eralis Job should pick up the charge-out rate (or unit selling price) for staff and resource timesheets. If the option is checked, the system will pick up the charge-out rate directly from the Charge Rate UDF (User Defined Field) on the HR Master or the Charge-Out Rate field on the Resource Setup screen. This implies that the staff member or resource has the same charge-out rate no matter what the nature of the work is. If this option is not checked, the system will then look at the item code that was used on the timesheet line, and determine the price following the standard SAP Business One pricing rules for the Business Partner on the related job and item code. This option is ideal for the situations where the charge-out rate of the employee changes based on the nature of the work being carried out. However, there are some exceptions to these rules:
- When the Use Quoted Activity Sell Price option is enabled on the General tab of the Job Setup screen, and the timesheet line is linked to an activity – in this case, the system will use the price from the quote line.
- When the item code on the line is set to the Item Type of Items – in this case, the system will use the price from the item code on the basis that the time in question does not reflect a time-related charge, but rather some other staff related expense.
The Use Staff and Resource Costs from Item Code option is used to control where the cost rate is picked up from the staff and resource timesheet entries. When the option is enabled, the system will use the cost rate from the Item Cost field on the item master for the item code on the timesheet line. This is ideal for situations where the cost rate varies based on the work being carried out. For example, if the work is higher risk, the staff member might be paid a higher rate.
When this option is not enabled, the system will pick up the cost price from the Standard Cost UDF on the HR Master or the Standard Cost field on the Resource Setup. This setup is ideal for situations where the cost for the employee does not change. There is however an exception:
- When the item code that is used on the line is set to an Item Type, Items – in this case, the system will use the cost from the item code on the basis that the item code in question does not reflect a time-related charge. On the timesheet lines, the user can also alter the cost using the Time Type function.
The Restrict Timesheets Entry to Staff with Activities option is used to control which employees can record transactions against a job. With this option enabled, an activity must be created on a job or subjob and assigned to an employee before they are able to record a timesheet against that job.
The Week Starting Day field is used to control the summary grid on the Direct Time Entry grid. The summary grid provides feedback on the number of hours that have been recorded against an employee or batch of transactions for a week period. However, to tie in with wage periods, the week period can be adjusted to start on different days of the week.
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