The Forms tab is used to control the printed layouts that are associated with Eralis Job. These layouts include invoices, quotes and dispatch documents for both Report Writer (SQL only) and Crystal Layouts (SQL and HANA).
The Form Viewer Location field is used in conjunction with Report Writer instead of Crystal Reports. The system is looking to find the EnpriseReportViewer.exe file which is used to launch reports written with the Report Writer. The path that is specified here is relative to the client from where it is being accessed. As a result, it needs to be a path that all clients can access. It is recommended that the path is local to the client. If it is a remote directory on another server, it can take longer to launch the viewer and run the form or report.
The Form Folder field defines where the system should look for form files that are identified for each of the transaction types. As this path is relative to the client that is accessing the file, all clients need to be able to access the folder. It is recommended that this path is set to a server path. This will ensure that all clients are accessing the same set of report files rather than accessing local files, which will increase the amount of administration required to manage the forms.
The Invoice Form File List is a list of form layouts that are available to be printed after processing an invoice within Eralis Job. The different form files can be used to display the information in different ways. Please note that each file name must be separated by a comma. The Invoice Form File List will be displayed after processing an invoice from:
- The Job Line Processing tab of a master job
- The Job Card entry screen
- The Make to Stock processing screen
The Invoice Preview File List outlines the form layouts that are available to be printed before processing an invoice from Eralis Job. The different form files can be used to display the information in different ways. Please note that each file name must be separated by a comma. The invoice preview form files can be selected from the Print Preview Invoice button that is available on the:
- Job Line Processing tab of the job
- Fixed Price Invoice dialog box
The Stock Check Form File List offers a list of the form layouts that can be printed during the Stock Check processing within Eralis Job. The Stock Check process allows Eralis Job to provide a recommendation, based on the quoted details on the job, of what items can be picked and what items need to be purchased to fulfill the requirements of the job. During this process, the company can print a picking list, purchase requirements list or a general list of what the recommendations are. The different form layout files must be separated by a comma. These layouts can be printed directly from the Print button on the Stock Check screen.
The Job Quote Form File List is a list of print layouts that can be printed from the Print Quotes button on the Master Job Quote tab. The purpose of the form is to allow the company to generate a quote that covers all the underlying subjobs rather than a single subjob quote. Multiple form files can be defined in this field. The various file names must be separated by a comma.
The Subjob Quote Form File List is a list of print layouts that can be printed from the Print Quote button on the Quotes tab of a subjob. The purpose of the form is to allow the company to generate a print-out of a quote that reflects a single subjob rather than all the subjobs that are attached to the master job. Multiple form files can be defined in this field. The various file names must be separated by a comma.
The Job Form File List is a list of forms that can be printed to reflect information about the job and potentially any underlying subjobs. An example of such a form is the Job Card. These forms can be accessed by clicking on the standard Print icon in the SAP Business One taskbar when a master job is open. Multiple form files can be defined in this field. The various file names must be separated by a comma.
The Subjob Form File List is a list of forms that can be printed to reflect information about the subjob. An example of such a form is the Job Card for a subjob. These form files can be accessed by clicking on the standard Print icon in the SAP Business One taskbar when a subjob is open. Multiple form files can be defined in this field. The various file names must be separated by a comma.
The Delivery Form File List is a list of print layouts that can be printed when a delivery is generated within Eralis Job. These form files specifically relate to the Process Contract Lines function within Eralis Job rather than the function where a user can set a job line to Delivered. The form file lists are displayed after the Process Contract Lines function is completed, or from the Print Delivery button on the Deliveries tab of the Show Documents screen where the delivery source is SAP Business One. Multiple form files can be defined in this field. The various file names must be separated by a comma.
The Delivery Preview Form File List is a list of print layouts that can be printed, which will be used to display the intended processing of the Process Contract lines function. Eralis Job will display the list of form files from the Print Preview Delivery button on the Under / Over Recovery screen during the Process Contract Lines processing. Multiple form files can be defined in this field. The various file names must be separated by a comma.
The Internal Delivery Form File List is a list of print layouts that can be printed after processing internal deliveries. Internal deliveries are generated when the user sets the line on a job to the status of Delivered. These form files will be displayed when the user clicks the Update button after setting the lines on a job to Delivered, or when the user clicks on the Print Deliveries button on the Deliveries tab of the Show Documents screen, for a delivery from Eralis Job. Multiple form files can be defined in this field. The various file names must be separated by a comma.
The Job Line Journal Form File List is a list of print layouts that are available for printing journals that have been associated with each job line. These forms files can be accessed by clicking on the Print button on the General Ledger (GL) Journals screen of a job line. This can be accessed by right clicking on the job line and selecting the option View Journals. Multiple form files can be defined in this field. The various file names must be separated by a comma.
The Contract Invoice Form File List is a list of print layouts that can be printed to display an invoice that has been generated from a contract. These form file lists will be displayed with the conclusion of an invoice generation process on a contract, or when a user clicks on the Print Invoice button on the Invoices tab of the Show Documents screen that is accessible from the Contracts module. Multiple form files can be defined in this field. The various file names must be separated by a comma.
The Contract Form File List is a list of print layouts that can be generated to display information about the contract in general. These form files can be accessed by clicking on the Print icon in the main SAP Business One taskbar while the Contract screen is open. Multiple form files can be defined in this field. The various file names must be separated by a comma.
The Reimburse Expenses Form File List is a list of print layouts that can be printed to display the results of Reimbursable Expenses processing. The Reimbursable Expenses processing ties in with expense entries entered via the web-based Eralis Anywhere application. It creates an A/P Goods Receipt or invoice from the transactions entered by staff members. These form files can be accessed from the Print button on the Process Reimbursable Expenses screen. Multiple form files can be defined in this field. The various file names must be separated by a comma.
The Contract Preview Form File List is a list of print layouts that are available to be printed. These layouts display the invoice that will be generated from the contract screen. These form files can be accessed by clicking on the Print Preview Invoice button on the main contract screen. Multiple form files can be defined in this field. The various file names must be separated by a comma.
The Stock Return Form File List is a list of print layouts that are available to display the results of Stock Return processing. Multiple form files can be defined in this field. The various file names must be separated by a comma.
The Bulk Process Form File List is a list of print layouts that can be printed from the Bulk Processing Wizard. The Bulk Processing Wizard allows the user to process transactions against several jobs at once rather than doing this process job by job. The form files can be accessed in the Bulk Processing Wizard on the final step before carrying out the processing, or directly after the processing has been completed. Multiple form files can be defined in this field. The various file names must be separated by a comma.
The Timesheet Form File List is a list of print layouts that can be printed to display the details of a batch of timesheet transactions that have been either processed or saved as draft. The form file list can be accessed by clicking on the Print icon in the main SAP Business One taskbar when the Direct Time Entry screen is open, or by clicking on the Print Batch option under the You Can Also button. Multiple form files can be defined in this field. The various file names must be separated by a comma.
The Project Plan Form File List is a list of print layouts that are available to be printed to display the results of creating a project plan using the Microsoft Project Integration. These form files can be accessed on the View tab of the Planning screen when the Microsoft Project Integration is enabled. Multiple form files can be defined in this field. The various file names must be separated by a comma.
The Journal Form File List is a list of print layouts that can be printed to display the details of manual job journal transactions. The form file list can be accessed by clicking on the Print Batch option under the You Can Also button. Multiple form files can be defined in this field. The various file names must be separated by a comma.
The Direct Material Form File List is a list of print layouts that can be printed to display the details of a batch of material transactions that have either been processed or saved as draft. The form file list can be accessed by clicking on the Print icon in the main SAP Business One taskbar when the Direct Material Entry screen is open, or by clicking on the Print Batch option under the You Can Also button. Multiple form files can be defined in this field. The various file names must be separated by a comma.
The Health Check Form File List is a list of print layouts that can be printed to show the results of running the Health Check under the Utilities tab of Job Setup. Multiple form files can be defined in this field. The various file names must be separated by a comma.
See attachment labelled CrystalFormList.png which illustrates an example of the Forms Tab showing Crystal Report Layout file names that are compatible in each form list.
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