The Default Status option defines the initial status that is applied to a new job. The status options defined in the setup of Eralis Job are found in the drop-down list. An option of None is available in the list. This will require the user to select a status when creating a new job. If the Employee has a default Status defined, that will over-ride this setting.
The Default Job Type option defines the initial job type that is applied to a new job. As the job type also triggers the default sales and cost of sales accounts on the header of the master job, the selection of the Default Job Type also dictates the default sales and costs of sales accounts set on a new master job. The job type options defined in the setup of Eralis Job are found in the drop-down list. An option of None is available in the list. This will require a user to select a job type when creating a new job. If the Employee has a default Job Type defined, that will over-ride this setting.
The Default Category option defines the initial category that is applied to a new job. The category options defined in the setup of Eralis Job are found in the drop-down list. An option of None is available in the list. This will require a user to select a category when creating a new job. If the Employee has a default Category defined, that will over-ride this setting.
The Sort Order Increment is linked to the Quote tab of a subjob. On the lines of the Quote tab there is a Sort Order field, which is a numerical field. This allows the user to order the lines on the quote for printing purposes. The sort order number is automatically incremented for each new line that is inserted and this field determines the value by which the system will increase the line number for each new line that is entered.
The Start Subjob Numbering field is used to control the starting value of the first subjob. The default Subjob ID number is the Job ID followed by a four-digit number. This field determines the starting value of the four-digit number. Next to the field there is a representation of how the Subjob ID will look based on the selected start number.
The Default Property option defines the initial properties that will be applied to a new job. The properties defined in the setup of Eralis Job are found in the list box.
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