Eralis has a web-based online support system that allows registered users to enter support tickets. Any support work that is requested should be either logged through the online web system or by sending an email to which will automatically create a ticket in the online support system.
The support system can be accessed at the following web address:
Registering for Access
To access the support system, a user must first register. The registration is done by browsing to the support site ( and choosing the option to Sign Up.
Once the registration form has been completed, an email will be sent to Eralis, who will confirm the registration has been completed by return automated email.
If you have previously created support tickets by emailing the support team directly, there will already be an account created with your email address. In this case, choose Get a Password as shown in the screenshot above. You will receive an automated email with your password.
Working with Support Tickets
The support system allows the registered user to both create new tickets and track their existing support tickets. Both options are available under our support site. To track existing support tickets, click on your user name and choose My activities.
Viewing Existing Tickets
The support page provides the option to either view the existing tickets or enter details about the new ticket.
Creating a New Ticket
When entering a support ticket, a basic principle of “the more, the better” should be applied. It is better to enter more detail as it assists the support process.
Choose Submit a request in screen shown below:
Choose the appropriate Support Category in the Submit a Request screen as shown below.
Each support request category will require different information depending on the request. Enter the appropriate information pertaining to the support request, upload any attachments and click Submit.
Creating a New Ticket via Email
An alternative method to creating a new support ticket is to send an email to A ticket will be automatically created in the online support system. The user will receive an email advising of the new online support system ticket number and replying to these emails will automatically update the ticket in the online support system.
Tickets created via email can also be viewed in the online support system under My Activities as shown above and new notes or details can be added to tickets within the support system in the same manner as a ticket that is created directly in the online support system.
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