The setup of Rental Equipment Groups can be accessed from the following menu: Administration > Setup > Rent > Equipment > Equipment Groups.
Rental Equipment Groups allow the company to define several default values that can be applied to the individual Rental Equipment Items assigned to the group. The groups can also be used as filters when importing Rental Equipment Items into Dispatches. The Group Name is a user entered description field for the group. This value will be displayed in the different selection fields and drop-down boxes where the equipment groups are referenced.
The Default Billing Code is a lookup of non-inventory item codes. This code will be drawn through to the Item Code field when the item is entered on a quote. This will also impact the rental invoice process.
The Sales GL Code is a search field that allows the company to define the default revenue account to be used when the rental item is used on a rental invoice and the system is configured to use GL determination based on Rental Equipment.
The COGS GL Code is a search field that allows the company to define the default COGS account that should be used when the rental item is used in a rental invoice and the system is configured to use GL determination based on Rental Equipment.
The Clearing GL Code is a search field that allows the company to define the default General Ledger account that should be used when costs are processed that involve the item.
Uses for Rental Equipment Groups
Rental Equipment Groups are primarily used to set default values for several properties, which can be applied to Rental Equipment Items. These properties include the default billing code, and the default sales, COGS and clearing GL codes.
Rental Equipment Groups can also be used as a filter to determine which items are imported into a dispatch using the Import from Rental Equipment option in the Dispatch Manager.
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