Attaching a Crystal Report to the Eralis Job Reports menu is carried out through the standard SAP Business One Report and Layout Manager, but does require a two-step process. The two-step process is required as the report import wizard does not currently display add-on menu structures when a report is initially imported, but does allow the report to be attached to add-on menus when edited.
Step 1 – Add the Report
The first step of the process is to import the Crystal Report file through to a standard SAP Business One menu option using the import wizard available in the Report and Layout Manager. When the system displays a list of menu options to allocate the report to, the Eralis Job menu is not displayed. Choose another menu option to link the report to initially.
Step 2 – Edit the Report Location
Once you have added the report to a standard SAP Business One menu in Step 1, the report can then be edited. Using the Menu Location option within the SAP Business One Reports and Layouts Manager, move the report to the Eralis Job Reports menu.
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