You can make use of non-inventory items by purchasing onto a job via the A/P module, and posting the expense into WIP.
These items can be processed as a non-inventory related expense that will form part of WIP until such time that the item(s) are invoiced or written off.
You will need to populate the fields on the A/P document correctly for the cost to automatically flow through to the WIP warehouse, for both inventory and non-inventory items. Make sure that the following fields are set:
- Project code = project code of job you are wanting to link to
- Warehouse = Eralis Job WIP warehouse
- Subjob ID = valid sub-job ID related to project set in 1
If the document is an A/P Invoice, the system will then post the following journals:
Standard B1 Journal
Dr Expense
Cr A/P Control
Eralis Job Journal
Cr Expense
If you were processing a GRPO, then the transactions would be:
Standard B1 Journal
Eralis Job Journal
Cr Expense
The system does not support service type documents, but non-inventory items can be used.
Please refer to the Generic item codes article for other uses of non-inventory item codes.
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