The pricing for jobs follows the same pricing structure/logic that is applied to core SAP Business One. The price list that is assigned to that Business Partner is the pricing that will automatically default to the joblines – whether the lines are staff, resource or material lines.
You can, however, have specific quoted pricing come through to the joblines.
In fact, this pricing is line specific, which works well if you have several lines with the same item code but differing sell prices (i.e. there may be four lines with the item code of Project Management, all with different sell prices which can be then assigned to each line on the Job Line Processing tab).
In the setup of Eralis Job, there is a setting called Use Quoted Activity Sell Price. In this setting there are three options: Off, Time Only and Time and Materials. To find this setting, go to Administration > System Initialization > Eralis Job > General Tab.
Select the option that your client requires. This setting then applies to all transactions on the Quote tab of the job.
Add your labor lines and material lines and then save/update the subjob. Then go to the row, click in a field on the row (this is so that the system knows which row you are on), then right click and select Create Activity.
Please note that the activity can be setup as anything – it doesn’t matter whether it is a phone call or a task, etc., it just needs an activity as this becomes the link with a unique ID to assign specific pricing to.
Now, when you add the time into the Direct Time Entry screen, just enter the Activity ID and all the information from the quote line will drop into the entry screen, such as item code and sell price.
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